Asteya (Non-stealing)

Asteya goes beyond the literal sense of not taking what isn't ours. It also encompasses the idea of not coveting or taking credit for others' ideas, time, or energy. It means not taking more than you need.

The opposite of “non-stealing” is “generosity” or “giving”. Practicing Asteya means fostering a sense of contentment and gratitude for what we have. When you focus on what you have, and not on what you feel you are missing, you start to cultivate a sense of having and being enough.

When non-stealing (asteya) is established, all jewels, or treasures, present themselves and become available to the Yogi.
— Patanjali’s Yoga Sutras 2.37

In your yoga practice this might mean letting go of comparing yourself to what others are doing and enjoying what you are able to do on your mat. Treasure what you can do with your body and your mind.


Ahimsa (Non-violence)