Samanya Yoga

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Spring Equinox Meditation Questions

How to use the Spring Equinox Meditation Questions

One or more of the seasonal meditation questions can be used during the first or final relaxation of your yoga practice. Or as you stay in an asana you might pose yourself one of the questions. Hold the questions lightly, without searching too hard for answers; just trust that in time an answer will rise up out of your subconscious. You can also pose the questions during a formal sitting meditation practice. Or more informally when you are out walking, or during your everyday activities.

Thank you to Glennie Kindred for the inspiration behind these questions.

Spring Equinox Questions:

What wisdom am I bringing with me from the dark of winter?

Who am I becoming?

What am I awakening in myself?

What do I consciously wish to unite at the Spring Equinox?

What do I wish to grow more of in my life? (What do I welcome in to my life?)

What do I want to encourage, give my attention to, so that it has the best chance of manifestation? (What projects or plans am I giving birth to?).

How can I help the earth?

What do I need to let go of, clutter clear, or spring clean to create a space for realising my dreams?

(credit: Jilly Shipway)