The Law of Attraction and Yoga

The book “The Secret” by Rhonda Byrne re-introduces a notion originally popularised by persons such as Madame Blavatsky and Norman Vincent Peale that thinking about certain things will make them appear in one's life. Byrne provides examples of historical persons who have allegedly achieved this. Byrne cites a three-step process: ask, believe, and receive which is based on a quotation from the Bible's Matthew 21:22: "And all things, whatsoever ye shall ask in prayer, believing, ye shall receive."

In her book Rhonda highlights the importance of gratitude and visualisation in achieving one's desires. In later chapters she describes how to improve one's prosperity, relationships, and health through manifestation.

Since listening to this book I have become much more aware of the link between gratitude, manifestation, the Law of Attraction and yoga.  Much of the language used in a yoga class can be linked with the ideas of law of attraction for example letting go of comparison, using gratitude, setting intentions, about being mindful and present. These are all important foundations for manifestation and the law of attraction.

What is The Law of Attraction?

The law of attraction is built upon one basic premise and philosophy; positive thoughts generate positive results. This is the philosophy in its base form but there’s far more to it than that. It is close to Buddha's quotation of “What you think you become, What you feel you attract, What you imagine you create”.

The law of attraction in science isn’t fully understood, but its practitioners swear by it. They are committed to spreading the word and teaching people just how powerful it can be. No matter what your goals are or how unattainable you think they might be, harnessing the power of the law of attraction can help you achieve them.

What is Yoga?

Yoga is an activity that serves as a combination of exercise and meditation. On the surface, it might seem like yoga has nothing to do with the law of attraction, but the truth is that the two are closely related.

Millions of people across the world practise yoga for the positive wellbeing benefits it can offer them physically, mentally and emotionally.

Yoga is about focusing the mind and eliminating distracting and negative thoughts. It’s about looking inwards and concentrating on your own body and emotions. The ability to focus your thoughts like this is also key to the law of attraction. Only through concentration and positive visualisation can you achieve your goals. Yoga is the perfect exercise for perfecting this skill.

Bringing it all together

Practising the two together, as with any new practise, you can't expect that to jump straight in as a total beginner and achieve your dreams immediately. This is a process that takes time, dedication, and a real commitment if you want to see results. You need to immerse yourself in both philosophies and learn all you can about the ethos behind them before expect it to work for you.

Through the use of simple yoga routines and poses you can turn your awareness inwards, find stillness and quiet, and develop meditative skills. This enables you to become more aware of your thoughts. It is from this awareness that you can then start to truly take advantage of the law of attraction.

Yoga and the law of attraction are much more closely related than many people think. By combining the two practices, you will be better placed to work towards achieving the goals you’ve always dreamed of.

In closing

Yoga provides a good foundation to start working with the law of attraction. The Law of Attraction is an extremely powerful spiritual law and works on the basis that ‘likes attract like’ and ‘what you think about will come about’.

Ultimately, it works on the concept that you can manifest and attract into your lives whatever it is you put focus on. Before you even start manifesting, however, it’s important to ensure that you have the appropriate foundations in place, for the manifestation process to be effective.

One of the key foundations is being present and this is what your yoga practice encourages. Through the poses, breath work and meditation you become more mindful, more aware and more present, more often.  You can notice what you are thinking, feeling and imagining on a daily basis.

Adrian Bishop, a long term student, is a Law of Attraction coach. If you are interested in learning more you can contact him at the link below


Vibrational energy and Yoga


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