Samanya Yoga

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Time to reflect

As the year comes towards the close we can reflect back on the past 12 months and look forward to what next year might have to offer us and make some positive intentions. At the beginning of the year I made the decision to have a theme for the year rather than a resolution, may be you did the same? 

Now is the time to look back at that theme, or resolution and reflect WITHOUT JUDGING just how that theme or resolution has become manifest in your life.  What did you manage to achieve, where is life going to lead you in the future and what changes might you need to make to get to your dreams?

The last year has seen a number of changes in my work and in my person life.  There have been good times, not so good times and many challenges along the way. Everything that has happened has allowed me to grow, to build the foundations for my life. It has given me the strength and energy to pursue my dreams, goals and desires.

No doubt as next year unfolds there will be other changes and other challenges but I look forward to it with a sense of excitement for the opportunity to keep growing, to be able to continue practising all that life has taught me so far and to remain present and connected as much as I can.

Have a wonderful Christmas and New Year

Karen x